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Geometry is a major determinant of flow reversal in proximal aorta

Geometry is a major determinant of flow reversal in proximal aorta

Aims : The aim of this study is to quantify aortic backward flow using PC-CMR and to study its associations with age, indexes of arterial stiffness, and geometry.
Aortic reflux increases in volume with age and is strongly determined by the aorta geometry, particularly its diameter.
The backward flow indexes could be used as relevant markers of arterial wall alterations.

Authors : Bensalah MZ, Bollache E, Kachenoura N, Giron A, De Cesare A, Macron L, Lefort M, Redheuill A, Mousseaux E.

Clinical Application : Vascular Aging

Country : France

Date Publication : 2014


Number of citations : 38



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health