Relationships between retinal arteriole anatomy and aortic geometry and function and peripheral resistance in hypertensives
Aims : To study the relationships between retinal arteriole anatomy and aortic geometry and function and peripheral resistance in hypertensives.
This tudy highlights that wall-to-lumen ratio of the retinal arterioles is a marker of blood pressure regimen, total resistance and remodeling of the distal arterial tree.
adaptive optics examination is a quick, reproducible and non-invasive technique that could represent a useful tool to follow changes in microvasculature associated with antihypertensive treatments.
Authors : Rosenbaum D, Kachenoura N, Koch E, Paques M, Cluzel P, Redheuil A, Girerd X
Clinical Application : Hypertension / Retina arterials / Peripheral resistance
Country : France
Date Publication : 2016
Number of citations : 9